Wednesday, 22 June 2016

E Te Reo Portfolio Sample

Description: On Monday afternoons, we split into 2 groups. We either go to Kapa Haka or E Te Reo. I go to E Te Reo. Over the past few weeks, we have been learning the different types of food in Maori. I have made a Pic Collage showing the different foods. We have also been learning a song called Aotearoa by Stan Walker. To learn the song, we translated all of the lyrics with Maori Dictionary. Then we started learning the song by singing it and getting really good. Now most of us know the song off by heart.

Feedback/Feedforward: I think you did well at explaining about what you did when we go to kapa haka but you could of showed what teachers you worked with. Tom

Evaluation: I think I worked well at learning both the song and the foods in Maori.

1 comment:

  1. Holy Guacamole Tane - your poster looks amazing! What great detail you have included on them. Great job. We do miss you at Kapa haka :( Maybe we can use your poster to teach our buddies some Te Reo MÃ¥ori? I look forward to hearing this song also!

