This is MY eportfolio. It is a collection, or evidence of my learning completed throughout the year.
I want to share it with you and show you that I am increasingly getter better at managing my own learning. I want to show you what I am trying to get better at, how successful I have been and what I might do to improve further.
Each of my samples shows the learning intention or outcomes I have been working to achieve. (Our class sometimes calls this the WALT…which means ‘We Are Learning To…”) They may also show the success criteria, or descriptions of what we would be able to do to achieve the learning intention.
In all samples I have carried out a self-assessment. i.e. I have checked to see how well I think I have gone. Being able to do this is an important skill for life.
You will notice too that my teacher, or another adult supporting my learning has carried out an assessment, informing me about how well I have achieved the learning intention or success criteria. The teacher has also given me feedback about how to improve my learning or identified next learning steps for me.
You will also notice that each week, I usually carry out a reflection. This reflection time helps me to think about my week - what it is I’ve done, what I’ve learnt and what my next goal is. It would help if you asked me each day how I was getting on towards reaching this goal. You may even be able to help me at home.
Before each conference there will be six or more samples completed. If I am in the junior team at school, almost all of my samples will be to do with reading, writing and maths. If I am a senior, many of the samples will be in reading, writing and maths but there is also likely to be a growing collection of evidence in other areas. At times I will share the process of learning and at other times the finished product – sometimes it might be both!
You can have a look at my ePortfolio at any time; I would love to share it with you. When we have conferences this year, I am going to show you through in detail, with my teacher’s help.
Please remember that you can also share with me in my learning in lots of other ways –you can visit and see me in a reading lesson or swimming group; I can show you work displayed on the wall; we can read our class blog or we can look through my exercise books.
Thanks for being involved in my learning.