Make connections/look for patterns Cooper Tane
TASK inquiring readers go through a process to gather, organise and respond to new information. We have been using the ‘GET IT, SORT IT, USE IT’ process for our own reading inquiry.
My inquiry question was Why does the Population rise DANGEROUSLY?
GET IT...use a range of sources by questioning and predicting
SORT IT...analyse and sort information to answer my question: see if my thinking has changed, look for patterns by questioning inferring, summarising
USE IT…discuss what I have found out with others and make connections
I can research using a range of sources
I can keep asking questions as a research
I can sort information and see patterns
I can show changes in my thinking
I can co-operate with others to discuss ideas
I can share my learning with others
I can manage my own learning and behaviour to work independently

How did my thinking change during my inquiry? What patterns did I notice? I noticed that I kind of wanted to go deeper every moment.
Mmmm, it sounds to me like you were very interested in your inquiry and might not be finished yet! I look forward to hearing more about it! What do you think is the most important thing you learnt through this inquiry?